10.05.2014Judeus e árabes sírios-libaneses
Também pelo meu amigo, o Dr. David Nigri, cheguei a este texto interessantíssimo sobre a as comunidades judaica e árabe no Brasil. O ensaio foi escrito pela historiadora Monique Sochaczewski para a Universidade do Cairo e pode ser lido por inteiro neste link.
Abaixo, vai o início do texto "From Syria to São Paulo" e, acima, vídeo-reportagem da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro sobre a Amálgama de judeus e árabes que construíram o grande mercado SAARA no centro da cidade de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro!
Official diplomatic discourse plays an important role in forging a national ésprit des corps among bureaucrats and consolidating an international image of the country. A dominant theme of Brazilian diplomatic discourse is the legacy of “ten peaceful borders that allowed a century of uninterrupted peace,” achieved by José Maria da Silva Paranhos Júnior, the Barão do Rio Branco, as foreign minister in the period from 1902 to 1912. The Barão—or Baron— is an iconic figure;one of the main avenues of Rio de Janeiro and the prestigious school that trains Brazilian diplomats in Brasília are named after him, and his image is emblazoned on Brazilian currency. Other recurring themes include universalism and national dignity. And in recent years, the “Brazilian tradition” of coexistence has taken on increasing importance.??The notion that Brazil’s Arab and Jewish communities are fully integrated into society, and enjoy harmonious relations, has been commonplace in Brazilian official discourse for decades. Today, the coexistence narrative helps drive and justify a more active Brazilian foreign policy regarding the issues of the Middle East. But it is reasonable to question how much of the narrative is a myth, and in turn, whether it is a valid basis for pursuing a robust Brazilian foreign policy in the region.
(texto completo)

@ 2013 • Jorge Mautner • Este portal conta com o generoso apoio de Washington Cavalcanti • desenvolvido com pixfolio
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